We have a Small Group classes for every person in the family. Check the bulletin for group details and scheduling availability. GET ENGAGED! ALL AGES
We want children to know the love of Jesus, to grow in their personal faith, and to show the love of Jesus to others!
Ages: 4 years old to 5 Grade
“G.A.C. youth ministry exists to encourage students by EXAMPLE, to worship God wholeheartedly in a VARIETY of ways, that motivates ACTION through LOVE to create UNITY within the body of Christ.”
Grades: 6-12
To encourage a sense of community among women through the building of healthy relationships/friendships by the transforming power of Christ
Women's Group
Our mission, to build a group of strong men committed to Christ, their families and their fellow man. Putting on the Armor of God every day! Wednesday Evening at 6:15pm.
Men's Group
Enjoying one another in fellowship and encouragement. Join us for a wonderful time or sharing, activities, and building relationships!
Age: 55+